Long, long ago there was a young
couple who lived in a small thatched hut in a gully. They were so poor that
every day they had to cut two bundles of firewood and carry them to market on
their backs
Long, long ago there was a young
couple who lived in a small thatched hut in a gully. They were so poor that
every day they had to cut two bundles of firewood and carry them to market on
their backs
Enzim-enzim dalam saluran pencernaan.
1. Rongga Mulut :
- Enzim Ptialin : Terdapat di ludah. Berfungsi mengubah amilum menjadi glukkosa.
2. Lambung :
- Enzim Pepsin: Berfungsi memecah protein menjadi proteosa dan pepton.
- Enzim Renin : Yang menggumpalkan kasein dalam susu.
Jeruk sangat baik untuk kesehatan kita karena kaya vitamin dan mineral.
Dalam kandungan 100 g jeruk nipis, terdapat kalori 51 kal, protein 0,9
g, lemak 0,2 g, karbohidrat 11,4 g, mineral 0,5 g, kalsium 33 mg, fosfor
23 mg, besi 0,4 mg dan asam askorbat 49 mg.