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The Magic Moneybag A Korean Folktale

Long, long ago there was a young couple who lived in a small thatched hut in a gully. They were so poor that every day they had to cut two bundles of firewood and carry them to market on their backs
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The Magic Moneybag A Korean Folktale

Long, long ago there was a young couple who lived in a small thatched hut in a gully. They were so poor that every day they had to cut two bundles of firewood and carry them to market on their backs
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Enzim-Enzim Yang Terdapat Pada Sistem Saluran Pencernaan

 Enzim-enzim dalam saluran pencernaan.
1. Rongga Mulut :
- Enzim Ptialin : Terdapat di ludah. Berfungsi mengubah amilum menjadi glukkosa.
2. Lambung :
- Enzim Pepsin: Berfungsi memecah protein menjadi proteosa dan pepton.
- Enzim Renin : Yang menggumpalkan kasein dalam susu.

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